Tag: dominique roland
Velis Electro: Pipistrel obtains first ever Type Certificate for an electric...
flyeurope,aviation,flyeurope.tv,pipistrel,easa,ivo boscarol,taja boscarol,dominique roland,velis electro,electric airplane,electric aeroplane,evtol,oem,Marc B. CorpatauThe Pipistrel Velis Electro is the world's first fully electric aeroplane ever to receive type certification....
AERO 12019 Dominique Roland Head of General Aviation EASA
Interview with Dominique Roland, Head of General Aviation EASA at AERO 2019
EASA General Aviation at AERO 2018 – The G.A. Roadmap
As we are moving towards implementation, EASA is proud to present to you the progress towards lighter, simpler and better rules – the GA...