Tag: skyarrow
FlyEurope TV presents SkyArrow and the great history of Magnaghi Aeronautica...
Magnaghi Ma Group was founded in 1936 to support the Italian Air Force and for the maintenance and production of spare parts mainly for...
MA Group: accordo la cinese Haite Group per creare una joint...
Il Gruppo Magnaghi - Ma Group ha firmato a Parigi, nel coso del Salone di Le Bourget, un framework agreement con Haite Group, importante player con base a Chengdu, di cui fa parte la Sichuan Haite High-Tech Co., la più grande società privata cinese nel settore della manutenzione e dei servizi aeronautici.
The new SkyArrow LSA at AERO 2019 Interview with Luigi Pugliese...
At AERO 2019, the most important European exhibition of General Aviation held every year in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Domenico Lamanna and Luigi Pugliese talk about the new SkyArrow LSA
Il Re delle livree – Int. a Mirco Pecorari di AircraftStudioDesign...
Ad AERO 2019 Fabrizio S. Bovi di FlyEurope.TV ha incontrato il leader di AircraftStudioDesign Mirco Pecorari, uno dei più celebri designer aeronautici del mondo.
EXLUSIVE!- FlyEurope.TV presents the new SkyArrow LSA 2019
EXLUSIVE! - FlyEurope.TV presents the new SkyArrow LSA 2019
At AERO 2019 Friedrichshafen the new SkyArrow LSA aircraft
At AERO 2019 Friedrichshafen Magnaghi Aeronautica SpA, one of Italy’s leading manufacturers of aerospace equipment and parts, both in the defense and civilian fields, presents the new SkyArrow LSA at Hall B, stand 119.
Watch the video!
#flyeurope.tv #skyarrow #aero2019